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Survey slider design

Sliders are one of the more common emerging question types used in online and mobile surveys. They provide a graphical, interactive alternative to traditional rating scale questions. Used correctly, sliders offer a way to enhance the respondent survey experience and improve data quality.

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Improving brand equity through AAU Surveys

Improving brand equity through AAU Surveys How is your brand doing? How much do your customers like or dislike what you have to offer? And, when was the last time you asked them? An important part of driving customer loyalty is having a good understanding of the brand experience. In other words, what is the […]

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Improving brand equity through AAU Surveys

The definitive guide to designing mobile surveys

The definitive guide to designing mobile surveys According to Pew Research (1) a majority of U.S. consumers own multiple digital devices (desktop/laptop computer, tablet, and smartphone) and they seamlessly move from one platform to another as a part of their everyday lives. It is common for consumers to start an online shopping experience on a […]

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The definitive guide to designing mobile surveys

7 Secrets of customer experience strategy

7 Secrets of customer experience strategy 7 secrets at a glance Build executive support Strategize and plan Get organized Lose the silos Communicate Add Voice of the Employee Act fast and innovate Over the past few years, Customer Experience (CX) programs have become an established path to delivering enhanced customer experiences, engaging employees and driving […]

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7 Secrets of customer experience strategy

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