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Learning to speak Culturati’s language

learning to speak culturati's language

Tools used

  • Survey design  
  • Panel management  
  • Multiple languages module  
  • Go Mobile App 

Market research firm Culturati needed to keep their mobile-using survey participants engaged – in English and Spanish. 

The challenge

Making surveys work in two languages – and on the go 

Culturati knew how important the Hispanic market was for their research. They’d already built a Spanish-speaking panel – but to keep growing, they needed two things. First, to manage surveys in more than one language. And second, with people filling in 70% of surveys on the go, to keep data quality high when it’s coming in from mobile devices.  

“Forsta allows us to do things in different ways as the industry evolves and is making our lives easier from a lot of different angles. With our previous technologies, sometimes we just couldn’t program a survey to do what we wanted. We’ve learned that with Forsta, there is always a solution. Everything is doable.”

Patrick Elms
V.P. of Research and Analytics, Culturati

Our solution

Saying ‘hola’ to handling multilingual surveys 

Finding a tech provider that could easily handle surveys in more than one language was a challenge for Culturati – until they discovered us. Thanks to the way we configure our tech on mobile devices, Culturati were able to collect better, more accurate survey data every time.  

The results

Boosting completion rates by 25% 

The benefits of the shift were quick. The surveys Culturati created with our help were more intuitive and easier to use, especially for people using mobile devices. People taking the survey are now more engaged and less likely to drop off halfway through. And the big one? Survey completion rates are up by nearly 25%.  


of surveys filled in on mobile devices


increase in satisfaction scores

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