Turning satisfaction into a science

Tools used
- Survey design
- Visual reporting
- Customer satisfaction analysis
- Issue resolution alerts
World-leading medical device company CareFusion wanted to up their game when it came to customer satisfaction. Forsta helped them build the Voice of Customer (VoC) program to take on the task.
The challenge
Ad hoc surveys that weren’t telling the real story
CareFusion had a problem – a big gap where customer feedback should be. Surveys were done ad hoc, using too-small sample sizes, with results that didn’t tally with what staff saw on the ground. They asked for our help to replace ad hoc surveys with a rock-solid system that gave a better read on customer opinion.
“We needed to get feedback from more customers; we needed to ask better questions in a more consistent way; and we needed to expand our program beyond the tech support center. Forsta’s Voice of Customer platform is an amazingly versatile product and the people on the Forsta team have deep expertise. It allowed us to be among the first in our industry to operationalize this type of feedback.”
Alan Kneale

Our solution
Helping CareFusion get a picture of how customers feel
Working with Forsta, CareFusion created a Voice of Customer (VoC) system from the bottom up. With revamped surveys, visual reports, and a flexible program that could check in at every key juncture, the CareFusion team had the tools to build a rich picture of how its customers felt. What began as a targeted program for tech support staff soon expanded to other parts of the CareFusion business. Now, it spans three major brands, multiple product categories, six languages, and regions all over the world.
The results
Better data. Smarter decisions. Happier customers.
Where the VoC program went, customer satisfaction followed. That’s because at every touchpoint, CareFusion had the depth of data analysis to make smart choices. Take wait times. Instinct says: get them to zero. But when CareFusion connected customer satisfaction and the things that do or don’t drive it, they could see that customers don’t sweat the different between ‘no wait’ and ‘low wait’. That kind of insight meant the business could invest effort where it counted most, with satisfaction metrics to prove it.
increased customer satisfaction
customer issues resolved 15% faster
customer satisfaction

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